Commonality of the Human Genome & Ethnicity...

A 2002 study of 4,000 Human alleles found 1/2 of them present in all
     major geographical regions of Earth commonly used to define races.
     (America, Oceania, Africa, Central.South Asia, East Asia, Middle East, & Europe).

Only 7% (some 280) of these alleles are specific to one geographical region
     with only 1% (some 40) of the people in a region having "a region specific allele".

All of which may undermines the Human idea of ethnicity and the probable fallacy
     of the Ancestry and 23andMe genome kits that are so popular today.

Current estimates have Humans sharing 99.9% of their DNA making ethnicity a
      Human social construct and not a biologically based fact.

The common chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) is our closet relative with the genomes
     being 99.5% identical (a difference of just 15 million out of 3 billion nucleotides - 0.005%).

Some rapidly evolving evolving gene sequence that do help make us Human:
     a. HAR1 gene    - a regulatory RNA in the cerebral cortex differs by 18 nucleotides*
     b. HAR1 gene    - promoted gene action in wrist & thumb dexterity, that chimps don't have.
     c. FOXP2 gene  - favors high speed facial movements needed for Human speech.
     d. ASPM gene   - favors increased brain size.
     e. AMY1            - encodes for salivary amylase to digest starch.
     f.  LCT gene      - codes for lactase. only infants can process lactose, yet some 9K years ago
                                 Europeans & African acquired the LCT allowing adults to digest lactose (milk).
