Summary of the Experimental Approaches to Origins of life...
1. Prebiotic Primordial Soup
Miller     Mimicking the primordial conditions of Earth in 1953, Miller & Urey abiotically created amino acids by exposing a mix of volcanic gases [ammonia, methane,  hydrogen sulfide, CO2] to a lightning-like electrical spark. Using modern analytical procedures Jeff Bada & Eric Parker analyzed Miler samples years later and found 23 amino acids, 4 amines, and several other organics, suggesting that volcanic eruptions & lightning may have synthesized a variety of pre-biotic organic molecules.
2. Hydrothermal Vents   
vents     Submarine hydrothermal vents spewing key hydrogen-rich molecules along with mineral catalysts may have provided the first pre-biotic molecular system. Carbonyl sulfide, a vents chemical, and added minerals has been used in the lab to form peptides from amino acids.
3. Meteorite-Comets-Asteroids   
meteorites   Carbon rich meteorites, known as carbonaceous chondrites (such as the Murchison Meteorite ALH84001), contain amino acids, as glycine, alanine, and glutamic acid. Alkanes also occur. Measured purine and pyrimidine compounds are indigenous to meteorites. Comets also contain lots of organics. Many organic compounds, which are common to life on Earth, were already present in the early solar system and may have played a role in life's origins on Earth. 
4. Role of minerals   
clays     Minerals may have allowed the first molecules of life to react with each other (in clays). Their surfaces may have allowed them to concentrate and to even organize them into polymeric patterns, like genes do now. Alex Cairns-Smith suggested that mineral crystals in clay may have allowed organics to organize in complex patterns.
5. Ice glaciers   
ice     Ice, hundreds of feet thick,  might have covered the Earth's oceans 3 billion years ago and could have protected the fragile organic compounds in the waters below from UV light and cosmic ray impact. The cold temperatures could have helped these molecules survive longer, allowing key reactions to happen. 
6. RNA World   
RNA      RNA can store information, like DNA, & has catalytic enzyme-like activity, and functioned (?) to help create DNA and proteins and therefore may have supported pre-cellular life, being a major step in the evolution of cellular life. Self-replicating molecular systems may have originated with RNA. This idea being a gene-first model of life.
7. 'Protobionts'  
protobiont     Origin of Metabolism... Life may have begun with smaller molecules interacting with each other in cycles of reactions. These might have been simple "membrane" capsules. Over time more complex molecules that performed these reactions better than the smaller one could have evolved a "metabolism-first" model of life's replicating systems.  
 8. Panspermia  
Panspermia     Maybe life did not originate on Earth at all, but was brought her from elsewhere in space. Earth is routinely bombarded by space debris and maybe microbes are capable of surviving space travel. Life may have hitchhiked on comets from other star systems... but then how did Life begin elsewhere in space? 

      7 theories  on  Origins of Life
                  Major Gaps in Knowledge of Origins of Life Research*






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It was a dark and stormy night   -   5 probable steps in Chemical Evolution of Life 
 storm                          night
 1Abiotic synthesis of small organics*  hydrogen cyanide & formaldehyde -->
 makes sugars, aa's, nucleotides, etc...
 2Autocatalytic assembly of polymers*
self-assembly leads to complexity
 CONDENSATION REACTION*                   
 HYDROLYSIS*          CD - Activity 5A - polymers
 3Origin of Heredity...
most probably RNA (?)
 abiotic synthesis RNA strands        BASE PAIRING
 figure* -->  unique polymer sequences of RNA(?) 
                 RNAs become polymeric catalysts   
                & show errors in replicating process  
 4Translation of RNA sequence  into amino acid sequence?
 [no experimental evidence]
 5Membranes probably define First Cell   Protocells   
          Major Gaps in Knowledge of Origins of Life Research*    Origin of Life Prize    NY cartoon